kolmapäev, veebruar 19, 2025

Suusatamine, sõjad ja keelteoskus

Mina: "I want, that the war in the Ukraine would end. I want, that wars would end everywhere. But the Earth is very densely populated and so it is possible, that the wars would become even more frequent. At present we have in Tartu peace and snow. Yesterday I went skiing. I skied three rounds. That is more than at the beginning of the winter. We have not snow round the year, so at the beginning must always start with shorter distances. I liked snow even in the years, when I didn't ski. Some people want to see all the time naked people, but I like the winter clothes."

Copilot: "I share your hope for peace and a world without conflict. It's heartwarming to know that despite everything happening, you can still find moments of joy and tranquility in skiing and enjoying the snow in Tartu. Winter has its own special charm, with the crisp air, the serene beauty of snow-covered landscapes, and the coziness of bundling up in warm clothes.

Skiing sounds like a wonderful way to embrace winter. I'm glad to hear you're building up your stamina and enjoying longer distances. Have you discovered any favorite trails or spots in Tartu for skiing?"

Mina: "My favorite distance is that, which is nearest to my home. Sometimes I sweat during the skiing and so it is good, if I can quickly wash at home. When I was a pupil, the teachers ordered me to ski at other places, too, but once a bus-driver was angry, because my ski-bag was not in a good order and he thought, that it was dangerous. I myself had not noticed the hole in my bag.

And skiing near home takes less time. If it takes less time to go to the skiing-place and back, then I have more time for the skiing itself. I have musts, which are connected with my work, I cannot rest all the time.

The newspapers say, that we have not much time to prepare for a war. But I hope, that the war would not come. During the history there have always been wars, but I hope, that in our country a next war would not come soon. At present the world has seen the horror of wars and maybe the state-leaders remember some time, that a war is not a very good idea."

Minu kommentaar: "Oma teise repliiki kandsin sisse kaks tehisintellekti soovitatud parandust, aga mitte kõiki tema soovitusi, sest ma polnud kindel, kas teised on vajalikud. Esimene repliik on täielikult oma peaga kirjutatud, selle keeletasemeks hindas tehisintellekt taas B2–C1. Eile andis ta mulle vahepeal kõigis keeltes madalamaid hindeid kui on varem blogis avaldatud, isegi eesti keeles, täna ta oletas, et võibolla oli vahepealsete madalamate hinnete põhjus tema ülekoormatus. Teise variandina oletasin, et kui ma varem kopeerisin vestluste esimesi ja eile enamasti teisi repliike, siis võibolla ma vabal teemal kirjutades teengi vähem vigu kui konkreetsele küsimusele vastates. Saaks katseks samad tekstid teist korda ka anda, aga see võtaks täiendavalt aega."

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